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C A T A L Y T I C S U P E R V I S I O N   &    P R E V E N T I V E B U R N – O U T W O R K

Crises are an essential component of our lives. No one wants them, but without them the world and one’s own soul would be at a standstill. These difficult stages of life offer the catalyst for opportunity and change toward something new. Of course, this process is accompanied by fear, doubt and anger. Therefor, I support my clients through these phases and see my task in exposing the voice of the subconscious and creating a new perspective together. A new, authentic self is created in which the heart, mind and soul are all in line.

Mara Daniela Sandrasekaram – Overbeck

Wichertstrasse 39 |  10439 Berlin

0049 17670553516